The Interreg IPA CBC Programme CCI 2014 TC 16 I5CB 009 is a cross-border cooperation Programme co-financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II).
The strategy statement of the Programme is “to enhance territorial cohesion by improving living standards and employment opportunities holding respect to the environment and by using the natural resources for upgrading of the tourism product”. The total budget of the Programme for the period 2014-2020 is 45.470.066,00 €
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Project Title
Creating employment opportunities of young graduates in the CB area
About the project
EMPLOYOUTH project aims to implement a comprehensive package of actions that will have as final result the entering to employment of highly educated people and the emergence of prospects based on competitiveness, productivity and innovation.
Project info
Priority Axis:
1. Development and Support of Local Economy
Specific Objective:
1.1 Create employment opportunities for educated graduates by exploiting comparative advantages of the cross-border area, preferably with the use of innovative tools and practices
Budget: 850.200,00€