As part of the EMPLOYOUTH project, and in particular in the framework of Entrepreneurship Nest, the DEMO DAY (closing ceremony) of the three-month program “Entrepreneurship Nest”, took place on Friday, December 20, 2019 at 18:00 in the City Hall of City of Edessa, organized by Chamber of Pella in cooperation with the Contractor company Technology and Human Resources Institute (IATAP).
The Chamber of Pella participates in the project with the Chamber of Serres (Lead Partner), the University of Western Macedonia, the Research and Development Company of Kilkis, the Chamber of Pella, St. Kliment Ohridski University – Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies – Bitola and the Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development Preda plus. The project is part of the INTERREG IPA Cross Border Cooperation Program CCI 2014 TC 16 I5CB 009.
The 15 young people from the area of Pella aged 18 to 35, students & graduates who participated in this program, had the opportunity to present the progress of their business idea, and to be further evaluated in order for four of them to continue in a per-incubation program (phase two of the project), which will take place in Thessaloniki.
The event started with the welcome note of the President of the Chamber of Pella, Mr. Iordanis Tsotsos, who welcomed the attendees. He expressed his congratulations to all the beneficiaries for their efforts, an effort that supports the youth’s stay at their home country, emphasizing that Greece has given brilliant examples in the field of research, innovation and entrepreneurship. The Chamber of Pella during the three months that the Action has been implemented has supported, and will continue to support, all beneficiaries through the various programs and by their own efforts, stressing that everyone should feel the Chamber as their home and progress of their own will contribute to the progress of Pella and the country.
In the same vein, Dimitris Yiannou Mayor of Edessa stressed that the City supports entrepreneurship, and in particular youth entrepreneurship, and expressed the hope that no one would need to leave the country but instead to collaborate with smes featuring their ideas because Greece needs scientists, needs minds, needs the future and the municipality is there to support the efforts of young people.
Each business idea was evaluated by a committee composed by Mr Ioannis Soupiadis – Accountant – President of the Pella Tax Association, Georgios Glavakis – Nursery plants – Photovoltaics – General Secretary of the Aridaia Trade Association, Ioannis Slamkas – Building Materials, Member of BoD of Edessa Trade Association, Georgios Vladikas (Chamber of Pella), Dr. Elpida Samara, Postdoctoral Fellow of the University of Western Macedonia, Department of Regional and Cross-Border Development but also of the beneficiaries themselves had the opportunity to evaluate the other business ideas.